Big Prairie Beef
Welcome to Big Prairie Beef! We're so glad you stopped by. Take a look at our site to learn more about our farm, our family, and of course, the quality meat grown in Wayne County, Ohio. Reserve beef for your freezer right from our website. We're proud of what we do and are excited to share our story with you!
We are sold out of our 2024 beef! Please let us know if you want to be added to the waiting list for 2025. We will begin moving meat again around April, as cattle are ready for market. Pricing will be published with the spring 2025 markets.
We are grateful to all of you for supporting Big Prairie Beef!

2024 Market Prices
You get the all-around best pricing of beef when you order in a quarter, half, or whole beef quantity. Buying your freezer beef bulk can save your family money compared to shopping from the grocery store, and you can get see our farm in real time by visiting in person, on our Facebook page to learn exactly where your meat comes from.
Front Quarter
Half Beef
Rear Quarter
Whole Beef
1/2 of a Half
Available at Canaan Meats only
In reality, every animal has unique size and structure that will result in varying final meat harvested for your freezer. Sales are made on hanging weight, which is usually around 200 lbs/quarter. The curing, trimming, and deboning that occur during processing will take 30-35% off of the final weight, bringing you to the final amount of meat that goes into your freezer.
Please note that these prices do not include the processing charges paid to the butcher. Our local processor will help you tailor your purchase to your exact needs, or if you've never bought meat bulk before, they will help you select standard cuts. Processors charge about $0.70/lb hanging weight.

"Can't even explain how delicious our meat is...
Thanks Esselburn Grain and Cattle!!!"
- Cindy R.

We love to hear from our happy, well-fed customers! Pictures are often featured on our social media to showcase how our beef is enjoyed.
The Esselburn Family
Big Prairie Beef has been cultivated since 1986 when Tom and Kelly Esselburn moved with the two children they had at the time into an 1860 farmhouse on a beautiful piece of land neighboring Big Prairie, Ohio. Years later, the family and farm has continued to blossom. To the Esselburns, farming will always be a family affair. Faith and family come first, and these strong bonds that tie the family together are the bedrock where passion for cattle and excellent quality beef are built upon every single day. The family takes pride and extreme ownership in maintaining animal care to the highest degree, providing first-rate feed to guarantee the tastiest steaks, all while implementing the best environmentally sound practices.

Contact us!
Still have questions? No problem! Check out our FAQ page, or send us a message and we will try to answer all of your questions. Give us 2-3 business days to respond.
Direct Email: bigprairiebeef@gmail.com
Text or Call: 330.201.1345